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Gratitude Task

Gratitude Task

1. Identify 3 things that you feel grateful for and appreciate about your life.

These things can be based on the past, present, or future. No category or thing is too big or small to appreciate, however, being specific might be helpful.

2. Identify 3 things that you take for granted but are actually very thankful for.

We all have things that we take for granted. This is the time to reflect and discover which of those you value the most. For me, in this moment, it’s physical health.

3. Identify 3 things that you appreciate about yourself.

Pick things that are meaningful. These can involve your personality, your qualities, your actions, or anything else directly related to yourself.

4. Identify 3 things that you feel grateful for about your present–right now–experience.

Be in the here-and-now. Right now, what can you appreciate about your experience? Think about the environment, the time you’re taking for your own wellbeing, the chair under your legs, anything that relates to the now.

5. Identify 3 people who had a significant and positive experience on your life.

These can be coaches, colleagues, teachers, bosses, family members, or anyone else. Call those people to mind and think about how they made a difference in your life.

6. Create a thank you message to those 3 individuals.

A great way to feel appreciative is to think about sending a thank you letter. You can write and send one if you want, or simply construct one that you would imagine sending to these people. Connect to that appreciation while thinking through your message.

7. Identify the 1 thing that you are most appreciative of (based on the list above). Sit with the feeling.

Well done! If you would be happy sharing any of your responses please do put them in the FB group.

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