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Minestrone Soup

Minestrone Soup

Ingredients (Serves 10)                                                                                 

2 tblsp olive oil

2 rashers streaky bacon, finely chopped

2 onions, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

2 celery stalks, trimmed, chopped

800g butternut squash, peeled, chopped

2 tbsp finely chopped rosemary leaves

1/2 bunch sage, finely chopped

100g vacuum-packed chestnuts, finely chopped (optional)

400g can chopped tomatoes

400g can borlotti beans, rinsed, drained

1.5 litres vegetable stock

500g seasonal greens (savoy cabbage, kale), stalks removed, thinly sliced

100g wholemeal pasta

basil leaves, to serve

extra virgin olive oil, to serve

crusty bread, to serve




  • Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan with a lid over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes or until golden. Add the onion, carrot, celery, squash, herbs and chestnuts, if using, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes or until the vegetables have softened. Add tomato, beans and stock to pan.
  • Stir then cover and slowly bring to the boil. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 25-30 minutes or until squash is cooked through.
  • Wrap pasta in a clean tea towel and using a rolling pin, bash into pieces. Add to the pan with the seasonal greens and cook for a further 10 minutes or until pasta is al dente. Add a little more stock or water to loosen, if necessary
  • Season the soup and divide among serving bowls, scatter with basil leaves and drizzle with olive oil. Serve with crusty bread

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